A Memorial for Pam Porter
I would love for you all to use this blog to share thoughts memories and ideas of how to honor and celebrate Pam's amazing life. I hope to also have the ability to upload pictures and more soon.
I know there are friends and acquaintances all around the world that she has helped out, befriended or touched in some way. When I moved out here on my own, Pam helped me out in ways I was never able to repay; she was not only family, but one of my buddies. I will miss her deeply and wish we and mostly my son could have had her longer.
I talked with Diane tonight and the thought is to have a bash in Pam's honor on Monday in
Thank you,
Josh Porter (Pam's Nephew)
Pam’s Obituary
Monday June 30 - A “Celebration of her Life” gathering will be held on Monday, June 30th from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Site 3 at
Thursday July 3 - A Memorial Service will be 11 a.m. Thursday, July 3, 2008 at the Inwood,
00:37:23 2008-06-25